While I was washing my dishes Sunday afternoon listening to CBC radio, Rex Murphy's Cross Country Check-up came on. Normally I'm not a big fan of this show because it allows anyone with an opinion to blast it over the airwaves no matter how idiotic and misinformed it is. Sometimes the opinion is informed and I am proud that there are intelligent thoughtful people out there. This particular day, this Sunday, the topic put up for discussion was the federal budget. People from all over Canada called in to Rex to air their grievances over old age security, tax cuts, and of course, everyone's favourite, arts funding. More importantly, why hasn't the government cut arts and culture funding altogether? One such person had the seemingly oblivious gall to call this program on the CBC and state that the only thing we don't need is Arts & Culture. This man said that he worked in a bar making $50/hour, has a wife and two children and it'll be a cold day in hell the day he spends his weekends paying to go to a, wait for it, Museum. Just any museum I presume. I think he hates all of them, whether he knows what a museum is, it obviously doesn't matter. You know what else he hates? Education. He told Rex Murphy that he will "teach" is daughter to be self-educated, and when she decides what she wants to do with her life then she can go to a post-secondary institution and pay for it. Being self-educated and a young person in the world, I wonder if her world is made up of anything besides arts and cultre. I hope she wants to be an artist. Wouldn't that be perfect.
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